Mission statement

In Bangladesh more than 75% population of the rural area have been living below the poverty line and 55% of them live below the subsistence level. Their income is so poor and with which they can meet only a past of their daily essentials.


It is estimated that only 8% of the rich and well to do families have been the owners to the 78% of the productive resources. The rich exploit the poor in various ways and as a result the poor have been becoming poorer to the poorest the productive resources thus not well distribute.


No health services have been access to these poor families, vast majorities of the poor are illiterate, and they are not conscious and aware of their human rights and position in the society. Therefore they can not enjoy their right and get the opportunity of living standard. The situation of the women further aggravated. They have no rights at all and are kept under veil like birds in the cases, which has been badly affecting their lives in various ways.


In the above situation the organization had started its mission in the year in 1997 to cooperate with the poor and underprivileged peoples in the process promotion of their overall socioeconomic conditions through implementing projects and programs like group organization, adult literacy, functional education, income generation, training, health services, environment and sanitation women in development, consciousness raising, awareness building human rights establishment program etc.

Objectives of ASUS


To Organize

To organize the target people into groups to develop unity solidarity among them
through a collective strength and institutional based on their individual and
collective efforts.


To help

To help the disadvantaged children for improvement the quality of their life.

To develop

To develop the consciousness and awareness among the target people about the
social system and their rights in the society.


To provide

To provide primary health services to the women and children of the target


To develop

To develop the target people self image. Self-confidences and creativity by which
they can make themselves fit for their desired changes.


To provide

To provide technical and financial support to the poor and poorest groups group
members for under taking and operating income-generating activities.


To make

To make literate the illiterate group members and other male and female of the
target area.


To improve

To improve the living status of the disabled people especially the disabled children
through providing them various services and supports.


To provide

To provide the agriculture livestock. Fisherics vegetable product ton through
regeneration agriculture method.