Disabled Rehabilitation Program

Nature of project

Human Rights and employment generation for the disabled

Achievable objective

i) To conduct a baseline surveys and identify the disabled children.

ii) To enlist the name of disabled children according to their criteria.

iii) To provide support and services among t he disabled children.

iv) To provide them better opportunity for the improvement their
living status.

V) To prepare a survey analysis report.

Estimated Expenditure: 50,000.00

Activities carried out

1) 4 Member volunteers survey team was formed and they were taught how to conduct the survey.

2) A base line survey form with appropriate question prepared.

3) The target areas were selected and carried Out the planned survey.

4) A case study questionnaire was designed with the help of a
qualified doctor.

5) List of the disabled children were prepared according to their criteria.

6) Loans Were provided among the disabled families.

7) PRT and preferenee were provided for the disabled children a case studies and survey.

8) Analysis team was formed to prepare a detailed report.


i) A through study on the socio economic conditions and the
health hazards of 810 physically and mentally disabled cases of
13 selected areas of Jhenaidah district were detected.

ii) The disabled are enlisted according to their criteria by which
they can obtain their own facilities.

ii) The study report of the disabled was prepared.

Problem encountered

Some families of the disabled children are unwilling to get enlisted their children name. Some families are in though of superstitions.

Education Program

Non formal education (Adult and adolescent)

Estimated Expenditure: 50,000.00

Problem encountered

Some problem arose to purchase the requisite equipment and material & due to budget constraints but it was managed through the local contribution of the community.

Some learners were dropped out due to their family barden.

Activities carried out

1) Community motivation

2) Literacy Camp established

3) Literacy instructors are trained up.

4) Literacy classes are developed.

5) Proper supervision and monitoring of teachers and learners.

6) Local school committee muting organized.

7) Course Evaluation teats conducted.

8) Primers and education materials supplied and distributed to learners.


i) Literacy rate is increased.

ii) 15 literacy centers were established and maintained.

iii) 20 learners completed their training course on various components.

Safe water and sanitation

Promotion of environmental sanitation.

Estimated Expenditure: 1,03,000.00 Tk.

Problem encountered

Supply of required materials are not available.

Activities carried out

i) 59 female volunteers were trained on safe water and sanitation for community motivation.

ii) Motivation campaign was conducted in the 52 above selected area to motivate on the necessity and utility of sanitary latrine.

iii) 67-hand pump tub well were purchased and distributed to suitable places in the target areas.

iv) 42 set latrines were distributed among the target families.

v) Western maintenance committee was formed and oriented duly given.


i) To motivate 15 families.

ii) To group awareness on environmental sanitation among 45 rural families head.

iii) To distribute 5 tube-wells in the targets areas.

iv) To distribute 5 set latrine among the saving group members. 

Primary Health care and Nutrition program

MEH and Nutrition

Estimated Expenditure: 50,000.00 Tk.

Problem encountered

Insufficient of materials and medicine that are required according to the demand.

Activities carried out

i) Individual and group motivation on material and childcare carried out.

ii) 28 Immunization camps (with the collaboration of health department) accomplished.

iii) 700-packet saline procured from local health department and distributed.

iv) 134 female group leaders provided TOT on community health care through training.

v) Sanitation campaign designed and observed that was one-week duration through ASUS volunteers.


i) To motivate 8500 mothers on maternal and child health care.

ii) To immunize 1275 child and distribute via-A capsules.

iii) To provide packets of oral saline to prevent infantile diarrhoea.

iv) To provide TOT to 105 female group leaders on community health Hazard and their Remedies.

v) To observe. A sanitation week in 65 target villages.

Handicraft Program

Poverty Reduction & Community Development Program

Estimated Expenditure: 40,000.00 Tk.

Achievable objectives

a) To promote community development

b) To increase agriculture & livestock program

c) Justice & Advocacy awareness program

d) Build up Economic development by IGA

e) Social awareness about Democratic Governance


This program has been covering 26 villages of 8 Unions of Jhenaidah sadar Thana and under this program women of the village are education of their various rights through conducting formal and non-formal training and resolute the disputes of women through the Dispute Resolution committees and support women in taking litigation stops against unjust on them during the last one your performed 70 dispute resolution as supported 10 women fro court case.

Fish cum Duck culture Program

Fish & Duck firming in the pond and cannel

Estimated Expenditure: 100,000.00 Tk.

Problem encountered

Insufficient of materials and medicine that are required according to the demand.

Activities carried out

1) Cultivated the water bodies.

2) Manure fingerlings and cow dung are pum chased

3) Supplied of water.

4) Fishing of water.

5) Prepared report on income and expenditure.


1) Available fish & duck production for nutrition.

2) Extension and elaboration of project.

3) Increased of income and expenditure.

4) Fish & Duck culture earn was Bangladesh currency Tk. 55000.00

5) Financial salvation is coming of the beneficiaries.

6) Unused water bodies amused.

Vegetable production Program

Regeneration Agriculture method.

Estimated Expenditure: 99475.00 Tk.


1) Vegetable productions running in 20 centers.

2) Received Bangladesh currency Tk. 175550.00 from vegetable centers.

3) Financial salvation coming of the beneficiaries.

4) Nutrition is being full-fill for available vegetable production.

HIV/AIDS Prevention Program

Awareness buildup about HIV/AIDS.

Estimated Expenditure: 1,24,040.00 Tk.

Activities carried out

1) Aware the community about HIV/AIDS Prevention through mass gathering and rally.

2) Sharing with adult peoples about HIV/AIDS and awareness raising for prevention of HIV/AIDS.

3) Arrange 4 workshop and 25 group meeting to prevent HIV/AIDS through awareness program.

4) To observe special days such as world AIDS day, world health day etc.

5) To create an equitable society for both male and female.


1) Motivation campaign was conducted in the 10 above selected area to motivate on HIV/AIDS.

2) 3 workshop were accomplished with different head of institution up chairman/member and local elite.

3) Arrange 2 rally for HIV/AIDS prevention.

4) Peoples are conscious about safe sex practice through using condom. Vulnerable groups are conscious to prevent HIV/AIDS through awareness program.

Women in development

To build capacity building and increased efficiency of the poor women.

Estimated Expenditure: 150,000.00 Tk.

Activities carried out

1) Formation of women in village level.

2) Sharing with the women about their legal right and awareness raising for self-employment.

3) Aware the community about the rights of women through mass gathering and rally.

4) Motivate local government and social leaders.

5) Arrange community focal point and orient them about gender related issue. Develop linkage among, focal point other GO-NGO and volunteer organization.


1) Arrange 10mass gathering and rally for the women legal rights.

2) 15 group formed in 2 villages.

3) Arrange 4 leadership training for the target group.

4) 12 workshop were accomplished with different head of institution, up chairman/members and local elites.